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Higham Park Project Takes Shape

Since our appointment as Principal Contractor back in December 2021, the dedicated H&V team have spent the first 5 months of this year striving towards the successful completion of a full refurbishment at Higham’s Park.

Following on from our previous update, H&V have been efficient in making progress towards completion of the project. Our dedicated team have successfully installed a new core insulated roof and additional cladding to 3Nr elevations, they have also completed the refurbishment of all internal offices and welfare areas and alongside this, they have installed new insulated shutters to the front of the warehouse.

With the target completion date fast approaching, our competent team will be turning their focus towards the remaining works. The items outstanding include the finalisation of decorations to the internal warehouse space and works to the entrance yard. Prior to handover, the team will complete the final phase of cladding to the front face of the units.

Our reliable staff have ensured that the refurbishment is on schedule and works are set to be complete in just over 4 weeks’ time. Watch this space for the reveal of the final result.